Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I love bell peppers...I believe its also called capsicum by some people..I think they taste extremely nice raw or cooked..I like still life setups with these peppers cos I think they add intersting shapes and colors to the whole set up..they are also fun to draw..heres a quick sketch of a couple of peppers I was making a few days ago..I wanted to add color but thought these looked nice.Am seriously considering doing a watercolor painting with peppers.I was looking around for some intersting pics and found a whole bunch of them on Wetcanvas.I'm surely gonna do a painting once I get home..Oh!..did I mention that we are heading home.All my stuff is packed and am set to leave in 2 weeks..That also means that all my drawing and painting stuffs been packed.I've managed to keep my sketching kit out so that I can sketch a little..Also the 18 hr journey back home may get me to draw some people on the plane.

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